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Who We Are

Magnolia Moonshot 2030 (MM2030) is a collaborative project within the Academy for Systems Change, a nonprofit organization focused on advancing the field of awareness-based systemic change in order to accelerate ecological, social, and economic well-being. 


Magnolia Moonshot 2030 was founded in 2019 to engage and connect women leaders who are addressing issues surrounding Equity and Inequality, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and Climate Justice.


The founding Magnolias are a diverse community of highly experienced, committed, and networked women, giving freely of their time and resources (volunteers), to support, amplify, grow, and strengthen collaboration for positive systems transformation. 


You can help us build this network and bring women together to support growth, strength, collaboration and systems change. Support us now!

Who We Are

Our Guiding Principles

1. Address the ecological, socio-economic and spiritual dimensions of the climate crisis.
2. Be a force for connection and collaboration.
3. Cross-pollinate each other’s work.
4. Build on existing commitments and actions.
5. Celebrate the power of dignity, empathy, trust, vulnerability, innovation and urgency.
6. Have the courage to speak the truth.
7. Embody love by denouncing sexism, racism or any form of exclusion or supremacy.
8. Leave no one behind.

Our Guiding Principles

Our Why

The number of women led organizations emerging, or shifting their focus, in response to the climate crisis and the role women play, is growing dramatically, creating untold potential.


However, the ever-increasing constellation of players lacks the connective tissue needed for unprecedented collaboration that will accelerate effective action.


MM2030 will provide reinforcement for each other, and for the impact we collectively seek – a world where all life flourishes.

Our Invitation

We will initially launch a series of opportunities to virtually connect and showcase women leaders.


Our intention is to elevate the amazing achievements of women across our world, and to cross-pollinate our actions, commitments and hearts. Our purpose is to create the connective tissue between women leaders to accelerate our collective potential for achieving our vision of a future where all life can flourish.


If you’d like more information, sign up here for a monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on opportunities to get involved.

Our Definition

The Magnolia is a beautiful symbol for the love of nature, strength and loyalty. These feminine yet tough flowers, like the Magnolias, fulfill the role of powerful pollinators within the eco-system.


A moonshot is an ambitious, exploratory and groundbreaking project undertaken without being deterred by the vast scope of the challenge that requires radical solutions, or the expectation of near-term benefit.


The year 2030 has been identified as the aggressive and necessary target for human response to the climate crisis, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and United Nations 17 Global Goals, the activation of this work is essential and urgent.

Meet the Magnolias

Meet the Magnolias

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Darcy Winslow

MM2030 Founder


Jacqueline Cambata

CEO Cambata Designs; Advisor, Academy for Systems Change


Denise Harrington

Owner DMH Consulting Group; Speaking with Impact Brands; Women Express Host


Anne Murray Allen

Conservant; Faculty, Academy for Systems Change


Ina Gjikondi

Dir. of Executive Education

& Coaching, George Washington University


Tanya Davis

William and Mary Foundation


Kim Kita

Colorado State U, Dir. Todos Santos Campus; Fellow, 

Academy for Systems Change


Laura Schmitt Olabisi

Prof., Michigan State University; Board, Academy for Systems Change

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Roberta Baskin

Internationally Renowned Journalist; One Earth

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Sara Heppner-Waldston

Graphic Recorder; Artist; Facilitator


Jondra Davis

Project Manager

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Lauren Gordon

Communications Coordinator

Meet the Latin Magnolias

Meet the Latin Magnolias


Lucila Padilla

International PR & Global Business Connector


Krytzia Dabdoub

Contemporary Artist


Rosy D'amico

CEO of Burnout Institute, Author

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Palmira Chávez

Interior Architect


Ingrid Rosas

Plastic Artist & Poet


Sofia Minvielle

Business Strategist & Marketing


Pepa Pombo

Fashion Designer

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